Tel.: 04 76 95 32 34

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Following the new data protection law (General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data), effective since 25-05-2018, we inform you that the data you have completed are kept, in order to better meet your needs and adapt our service offer.

Find on this link more information on our policy of securing your data and the use we make of it.

Your details

M Mme Melle

Availability request

Your request*
What is the result (in figures) when we add three and five

In high season, on the basis of a double room,
7 following days in full board or half board = low season prices.

Except school holidays, on the basis of a double room,
6 folowing days in full board or half board = the 7th offered day.

Fort he 33rd  International Festival of the movie of moutain,
from november 30th till december 04th,  2016
base double room, minimum for two nights
the half board  is 70.00 € a day a person

Le domaine skiable

Autrans-Méaudre en Vercors est une station village à la fois alpine et nordique ! En ski alpin, la station est le site idéal pour débuter, progresser et profiter de la glisse en famille ou entre amis. Le domaine nordique rivalise avec les plus beaux sites Européens en ski de fond, randonnée nordique, chiens de traîneaux ou marche nordique sur neige.

Suivez nous

111 Rue de Puilboreau - La Côte

GPS: 45° 10' 20.932 N - 5' 32

Tel.: 04 76 95 32 34

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